8th Bargaining Update

Dear Campus Community,

Today we had a productive eighth bargaining session with the administration. We've begun discussing some of our highest-priority items. Today we proposed an article including improvements to: job security, promotion, and titles.

Over the last few weeks, we've gathered your input, the work of various lecturer committees, and leveraged the heterogeneity of experience among the bargaining team to carefully craft a proposal that we believe represents your concerns. We had a lively and wide-ranging discussion of our proposal with the administration. Our next bargaining session will be May 23.

On Friday, May 12, there will be two opportunities to discuss the progress of bargaining with the Contract Action Team on zoom. Join us either at 9 am or at 1 pm at this link: https://scu.zoom.us/j/91436178004?pwd=Z0MwUlU2YU5XbGYzaE5XcWtXVUI4Zz09 Meeting ID: 914 3617 8004 Password: 231131

Also, please save the date for our second SALU Town Hall, coming up on Friday, May 26, at 9 am in Nobili Hall (or on zoom). We will have bagels and juice for those who join us in person.


The Union Bargaining Team (Brian Buckley, Patricia Cameron-Loyd, Deirdre Frontczak, Seiko Fuji, Maggie Levantovskaya, Natalie Linnell)

SCU Adjuncts and Lecturers Union http://www.scufacultyunited.org